Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Karva Chauth

October really is the month of festivals. Well, the Hindu festivals are according to the lunar calendar, and it just so happens that they all fall into October this year.

On October 15th we celebrated Karva Chauth, a festival for husbands and wives. On Karva Chauth wives fast for the entire day, not eating any food or drinking any water, until the moon comes out at night. They do this fasting and praying for the long life and good health and fortune of their husbands. When the moon comes out, the wives do a special type of worship to the moon, and after this, they can finally eat.

During the day, women come together and read the story of  Karva Chauth from a book and recite other relevant stories to each other. Our neighbors came over to our home during the day while my mother-in-law read the story of Karva Chauth;and even though i couldn't fully understand what was going on(language barrier and all), it was kinda nice having a time like that with all the ladies.

On Karva Chauth it is also customary for in-laws to give gifts to each other. Abhi and I bought surprise gifts for both of his parents, and they also for me.

Me, mother-in-law, neighbors. 

Me with some neighbors, posing for the newspaper cameraman, lol. 

These are our Karvas (clay pots) used to pour water to the moon. 

Me giving mother-in-law her gifts (some bangles and clothes). 

Me giving father-in-law his gift (dress shirt) ((I think he was really surprised because he almost never gets gifts! He wore it two days in a row this week...that means he likes it!)). 

Seeing the moon. 

Abhi giving me food after seeing the moon.

Friday, October 14, 2011


About a week ago I witnessed a seemingly very dangerous event. Thousands of people jammed into a small fairground with very small exit doors, with very large bombs and fireworks exploding in front of us. And by very large, I mean 100ft tall statues of fire and explosion.

But no need to be alarmed, this happens every year. And, as real as you are sitting and reading, I am also here sitting and writing, very much alive and safe.

The significance of Dushera is that of good defeating evil. In Hindu tradition there is a great battle in which a god, Rama, defeats an evil demon, Ravanna. Therefore, these flaming statues are statues of Ravanna and his cohorts going down in flames, a reinactment or symbol of good's power over evil.

The following video is a little long, but you can see all three statues explode and just how large and loud the crowd is here in our little city.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vegetarianism Was Forced Upon Me, I Say!

Its festival season in India. That means one festival after another, after another. Which is fun an all, but unfortunately, during any festival or special occasion in the Hindu religion (and many times daily life), there is a strict policy of no meat-eating, whatsoever. Not even eggs. "**shock, gasp, the horror!!**"

You see, it was difficult for me already with my in-laws being vegetarians for religious reasons; Abhi and I respected that by eating outside whenever the carnivorous craving kicked in (which happens all the time for me!). Though, we would regularly eat eggs and such at home.

Now, I never want to disrespect my in-laws in any way, hence my temporary change in diet. BUT, I think this vegetarian deal is starting to get to my head and it might just be making me a little loopy. Its been almost a month now without any meat or eggs!! Aaahhh!! And before this festival season started my meat intake was very, very slim. Seriously, I would like to see any Puerto Rican/American (I added the Puerto Rican part because yes, we like our pork) try to reduce meat from their diet for 8 months and then walk through life with a big, happy smile =D. I know I may be obsessing a little bit, but I would like to see you (yes, you) try to get through an episode of MasterChef without your stomach growling at every sight of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fish, goat, whathaveyou.

All this said in good fun, I'm patiently (not patiently enough, hence this blog post) awaiting my reunion with my beloved proteins (Friday!). That being said, don't call me on that day because I'm sure, I'll be busy eating. ;)