Monday, January 31, 2011

Purpose of This Blog

Hello everybody,

I created this blog so that you, my friends and family, can follow along in the upcoming unusual and exciting events of life. In a few short weeks I’ll be packing up my life in the least possible amount of weight I can manage (thank you airlines for extra suitcase charges), flying to India, preparing for a wedding (while recovering from jetlag ), and getting married. After that will be the exciting, and hopefully not too frustrating, process of getting my husband-to-be to the States while getting to know my new family and finishing my semester courses over the internet. I’ll be learning all that I possibly can handle in India before coming back home. Since its not possible to have my family and friends from home alongside me while I’m in India, I hope you can follow along from a distance .

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,

    I came across your blog and really enjoyed all your posts. I Laughed my lungs out while reading the Post on "Who has 'Better' T.." especially on seeing the last pic.

    It always fascinates me to see how two beings from totally different cultures, almost thousand distance apart with probability of falling in love dwindling to 0 end up getting married, it is no less than a miracle.

    I can't wait to read about how this miracle actually happen so that I can rework on the probability. It would it nice if it's not like "My" side of story or "His" side of story but actually something that comes out to be "OUR" Story.

    You guys look great together!!

