Friday, August 9, 2013

One of Those Days

Ever have one of those days that just straight-up suck?

You know, one of those days where pretty much everything that can go wrong does go wrong? Heck, even the things that can't go wrong still end up in shambles!

When you feel like everything in your life must be conspiring against you like some kind of big cosmic practical joke.

Yesterday was one of those days, here's a little glimpse...

In the morning the toilet clogged BIG TIME.While attempting to unclog said toilet I managed to spray sewage water all over the bathroom, myself, my husband...i'll just say household items got ruined.

We've been fighting a diaper rash with Penelope so I've been letting her move around without a diaper for periods throughout the day. Well she ended up peeing in the middle of the kitchen floor while I was cooking lunch...ok, we got this, quick and easy cleanup and then i'll throw her diaper on. While I'm cleaning her piddle puddle she moved across the room and decided to do number 2. Yes, I said it. She crapped on the floor. Do I have a puppy or a baby? Sometimes I get confused. On to the next mess.

Not much later, Abhi ran down the street to buy a plunger at Home Depot, thinking I was upstairs when I was actually outside walking to the dumpster. I got locked out of the house (while cooking the same lunch) with the burner and pressure cooker on whistling in the kitchen....ummm yeah...can someone say burnt lentils?

Sometimes you just need to take a moment. Not even a whole minute. Just a moment to breathe. Pardon my French but this calm little reminder to breathe in the good shit, breathe out the bullshit was just too real for me yesterday. Aaaahhh. Better?

There were a lot of other little doh! moments throughout the day that had me thinking that I was stuck in a bad infomercial,"but wait, there's more!"... but I think we get the gist here. And besides, that's not the point. The point is, what do we do with days like these? Moan, groan, and trudge your way through it so that we can live to write a blog post about it? Sure. ORR...we could try a different approach.

Be thankful.

When I'm down in the pits over everything that has gone wrong, what helps me to snap out of my woe-is-me stupor is to remind myself of all that is GOOD in my life. I remember that my family and I are healthy, we have everything we could possibly need. I see my husband laugh, or my baby full of wonder as she discovers something new and I'm reminded that these precious moments trump all the crap that went on minutes before. God has given me everything I could need to live a joyous, healthy, fruitful life.

The perfect life doesn't come without bumps, bruises and pee puddles. Instead it accepts the messes for what they are, cleans them up, and says thank you for the Lysol wipes.

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