Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New-Old Surroundings

I haven't written anything in a while; haven't even felt like writing. In fact, when I would sit at the computer I would usually just end up staring at it for a bit, searching the web for something interesting to read, rummage the cabinets for something to eat, come back to the computer only to stare some more, then be done.

This usually takes place during Penelope's nap (notice I said nap as in singular; apparently she has decided that she is a big girl now and no longer needs two naps a day! Mommy wasn't ready for that one!)

Within the past three weeks my little family has made a ton of moves, stretches, and adjustments. We are officially in our third week of Abhi's deployment and I'll just be honest; it sucks. Just like we knew it would. We said our farewell's in Texas and with the help of my amazing brother (who, by the way, has made the drive to and from Texas THREE separate times in six months), packed up the car and drove back home to sunny Florida. This is home for the next year. Yes, Year.

Life isn't all shadows and loneliness though. I am so thankful and even happy to be back around my family- it totally beats being alone out in Texas. Abhi is in a safe place and we are able to talk regularly, which really eases a lot of the separation. All in all we have decided to make the best of our situation and take advantage of every opportunity we're given during this deployment.

I've even committed to running a half marathon in February. Yes me! Running a half! Crazy, I know... hehe. I've been running and exercising regularly so I decided to take a leap and really push myself. I've already started my training and just need to make sure I am able to stick to it and stay committed (so far, so good). I also have an awesome group of cheerleaders to keep me encouraged and excited about the race.

That's about it as far as life is concerned these days. For those of you reading, my little family can always use positive thoughts or prayers as we move through this next year. Some days are good, some days are bad, but everyday is a blessing.

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