Friday, July 12, 2013

Proud Mommy Moment

I was finally able to snap a video of this! Penelope just started to pull herself up to standing position on her own and I had been chasing her around trying to get her to perform her new trick for the camera so I could send it to Abhi at work. ;) hehe. I realize this is just one of many small milestones, but its the little moments of growth like this that should be celebrated!


  1. What a precious little princess!! What do your in laws call Penelope? Thankfully 'Ollie' is pretty easy to say, but Oliver does not sound particularly nice in an Indian accent!!
    Ollie has just started pulling himself up too!
    What part of North India are you in? I am feeling like it is Lucknow or UP for some reason? Imagine if we got the two mixed kiddos for a play date!!

    1. Penelope is more commonly known as 'Penny' (much easier to pronounce). My family is actually currently living back in the U.S. now. We hope to plan a visit to India sometime in the near future, just waiting for the right opportunity (its not easy to take a month off of work for my hubby, and its also nearly impossible to plan a "quick" family visit to India)...I hope one day our paths do cross though, I'm sure our kiddos would get along great. :)

  2. Proud of my Nellopie!!!!

  3. Aww. She's adorable. You're right, the little moments like this make life so much more interesting and exciting.
