Wednesday, July 17, 2013

That Awkward Moment When...

"Wait, what was I saying?"

Yeah, this is a common line that has been coming out of my mouth for the past couple of months. In fact, if I had my own tag line, maybe I would claim this one.

I have been battling sleeplessness with my little one, and at ten months, its GETTING TO ME.

We are a cosleeping family and it has worked for us up until recently...something just isn't working anymore and little P cannot sleep longer than a couple of hours at a time. It's gotten to the point where she is waking almost every hour throughout the night...though I can never remember exactly how many times she woke the night before because I'm too darn tired to keep count.

Can you imagine not sleeping an entire night through for ten months straight? Its the pits.Needless to say I have turned into somewhat of a zombie at home. Going about my day playing with Penelope, taking care of household to-do's, keeping at my studies...all the while I'm forever in a state of forgetfulness. Did I pay the cable bill this month? we even have cable? Or...Have I showered yet today? *sniff sniff* Nope, doesn't seem like it...Well then, when was the last time I showered?

 My husband is constantly calling out my brain farts.(Sidenote: I'm pretty sure 'brain fart' is his favorite American slang term...mind you, he knows more American slang than I do and he chooses 'brain fart' as his most commonly used).  At least once a day I hear him say something along the lines of, "don't you remember (enter any random fact, memory, birthday, anniversary, my own daughter's name, etc. here)? Oh you must be having another brain fart."

We are trying to remedy a solution as quickly as possible. Until that day comes, I thank the good Lord for the little things in life that keep me in check, such as calendar event reminders on my iPhone, double and triple shots of espresso, drivers that kindly honk behind me to let me know the light has been green for over two seconds, 5 minute power naps, and horror movies that make me too scared to sleep anyways (oh wait...).


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