Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Flies. I Hate Them.

Yes. Flies. They're horrible. I don't know if its the strange way they feel when they land on you, or how when you swat at them they just keep coming back. It might be the way they all swarm in packs and there can never be just one. Maybe its because flies always seem to surround things like roadkill and cow pies, so when they land on you its like a huge offense, "ah! the flies are mistaking me for dog crap, do I really smell that bad?!" (Yet no matter how many showers I take or perfume I apply, I still smell like a rotting animal to flies). OR is it because we've all heard the tale that every time a fly lands on us it leaves a piece of poop behind (don't tell me I'm the only one that's heard it)?

For some reason, India has a whole-stinkin-lot of flies. I can't quite figure out why either. (Free-roaming cows and cow patties, anyone?) And its not until I notice how awesome the weather is outside and have the hugest desire to sit outside with a good book or crossword, that I'm reminded of my dear old friends, the flies. I tried doing what most people do and just ignore them. After all, what can they really do to me, lick me to death? But after three or four have taken land I just can't handle it anymore, those tickly legs and extending tongues, yuck. My hands start the swatting routine that doesn't end until I finally decide to retreat and go inside.

I've seriously considered (and still am considering) buying this neat device that looks like a small tennis racket that has electric wires running through it and is used for killing mosquitoes; except I'm after larger prey: those damn flies. I would have a hay day relaxing outside, daring any fly to com near me. BUT, as luck would have it, my in-laws have much larger, non-murderous hearts than I do. They would rather not kill any living creature unless absolutely necessary; that includes flies, and that also includes their daughter-in-law doing any unnecessary harming. So for now, kya karu (what to do)?

Call me a complainer, a whiner, cold-hearted, or even a hater.
But seriously, I hate flies.

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